First Daffodil Bloom |
Spring is late to this area. After a very snowy and bitterly cold February, there were signs of spring the end of the first week of March.
Maple Tree |
None of the trees in the yard showed any signs of leaf budding until the end of the first week of March. The Bradford pears trees in the yard showed no signs of budding.
Hellebores Cinnamon Snow |
I have several hellebores in the back yard under a stand of trees that usually bloom in February. This year many of the flowers just started to open the first week of March also. Many of the flower buds are still tightly closed.
Pansies |
I have four pots of pansies in railing pots on the deck that I planted last fall. They have been snowed on, frozen to single digits many times, and they are still alive. They looked brown and dead, but last week some green started showing through the winter damage. Two blooms appeared this week.