Too Much Heat, Not Enough Rain


Our area in Virginia is in a drought watch, which means we should minimize nonessential water use. Several areas in Virginia are in a moderate drought because of so little rain and very hot temps in the 90's most days.  But summer plants are blooming. I have four of these heliopsis plants that I planted four years ago when we moved here.  They bloom reliably, and the deer don't touch them.


I planted four coreopsis plants last year in the garden near the stand of trees, but only two are blooming this year.  The deer did not bother them last year, but they nibbled on them this year.


This late blooming gladiolus was a surprise.  It seemingly appeared out of nowhere in July .  There are no gladiolus that I know of anywhere in or near our yard.

Eastern Red Cedar

 This Eastern Red Cedar was another surprise. It suddenly appeared under the stand of trees in June.  I suspect that all the rain we had in the spring helped everything bloom and grow, and this was just waiting for the right conditions.  There are two baby cedars that appeared behind it.

The Heat is On


 We finally got the heat the other parts of the country has had. I love hot sunny weather. 
It has been in the 90's many days in the last two weeks.  The hottest we recorded in our yard was 98.  But the good thing about all this hot weather is that we have had low humidity around 40 to 50% most days. It reminded me of Phoenix weather somewhat, although the humidity was usually much lower there. Here is a stand of red Yarrow in the far backyard. The deer won't touch it.

Red Hot Poker

My Red Hot Poker plants are blooming like crazy in the heat and sun.

Highbush Blueberries

The highbush blueberries are finally fruiting.  There are still some green ones near the center of the photo.  The two bushes were in the yard when we bought the house. They don't produce many berries and we let the animals eat them.

Eastern Bluebird

Speaking of blue, we have a pair of nesting bluebirds under the deck.  This male of the pair is sitting on the deck railing. This photo was taken out of my family room door.  Every time I tried to get closer to the window to get a better photo, he would fly away.   


I always buy a few annuals to complement the perennials in the yard. Here is a photo  of one of several cosmos plants I bought.


Summer, Finally

White Astilbe


Summer has finally arrived here in northern Virginia. We finally broke out of the low 50's at night and  above 70 during the day. The almost daily rain and clouds seem to be gone. We have had three days of sunshine in a row now.  We have had very low humidity, 30 to 40 percent which is unusual for this area. The white Astilbe has just bloomed under the trees in the side yard among the pachysandra.  The pink Astilbe in the same area bloomed three weeks ago and has just finished.

Hairy Beardtongue

The hairy beardtongue (Penstemon Blackbeard) in the far backyard area has been blooming for a few weeks. I think it is showy, pretty and delicate.

St. John's Wort

There are several St. John's Wort bushes that line the far backyard.  This is a close up of the bright yellow flowers that can be seen out my kitchen window even though they are a half an acre away.

Red Hot Poker

I have three torch-like red hot poker plants (Kniphofia uvaria). This herbaceous perennial likes well-drained soil and full sun.  They are attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, but not to deer. Almost everything in my yard has to be deer resistant, as the yard is regularly traversed by deer.


There are salvia plants in the same garden as the red hot poker plants, and they have finally come into full bloom.

Finally June, Hopefully Summer

Spirea bushes, Catmint plants


Well, we had another week and a half of rain, but finally the sun came out three days ago. Now if we would just get out of the low 50's at night and break 70 during the day, that would be nice. All the spring flowers seem to like all the rain. These spirea bushes and catmint plants line the front of the house.

Brunnera Jack Frost

Although the delicate blue flowers have finished their blooming on the Jack Frost brunnera plants, the leaves have greatly increased in size and are the showy part of the plants now.


There are a couple of salvia plants in the garden below my kitchen windows that finally bloomed.


Pink Astilbe

There are several pink astilbe plants that have just showed up in a shady area among the pachysandra and other plants.

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Spirea Japonica

 It has been rainy, cloudy and cool for two weeks now.  We have only seen the sun two days during that time.  Despite the weather, the spring flowering goes on.  There are several spirea bushes in the front and side yard that have just started blooming.

Wild Strawberry

Wild strawberries have appeared in the very back garden that lines our property.

Autumn Ferns

These are some of the Autumn ferns under the treed area in the back yard.  The lady ferns photo that was in a previous post are in front of these autumn ferns and have really filled out that area.

Highbush Blueberry

There are two highbush blueberry bushes in the back yard that were here when we bought the house. We never see the ripe blueberries because they are all eaten very quickly by any animals that come through the yard as soon as they appear.

Clematis Samaritan Jo

The clematis vine is so beautiful now that it is in full bloom.  It brightens up a corner of the house where there is only part sun because there are two maple trees to the left of it.  It helps hide our trash cans behind the trellis fencing.

A Cool Mother's Day

Bearberry Cotoneaster


It was cool, cloudy, rainy and windy this mother's day. It has been this way for 8 days.  We had to turn the heat back on for a couple of days this past week because it went down to mid 40's at night and was in the lower 50's several days with cold rain.  Unusual weather for May like the above cotoneaster plants.  I have never seen them in neighborhood yards, and I have never grown them until I planted these two years ago. They have red berries in the fall and are evergreen in this area.

Bearberry Cotoneaster


Here is a close up of the bearberry cotoneaster flowers.  There are may varieties with different color flowers.

Nepeta Blue Lagoon

The nepeta plants (catmint) are blooming behind the spent daffodils.


Finally, the three white dogwood trees in the yard have bloomed.  This photo was taken out of a bedroom window.

Miniature Rose

I bought this miniature rose at the grocery store last year to have in the kitchen.  When it was done blooming, I planted it in the yard next to some holly bushes that the deer don't bother going by.  And here it is blooming this year!  It reminds me of my mother's face: delicate, beautiful, clear,  with a touch of pink.  Although she passed away many years ago, I miss her still.  I am dedicating this flower in the garden to her.  Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

What Season is it?

Perennial Bachelor Buttons


We had a couple of 80 and 90 degree days this past week.  It was sunny and warm, and we were all wearing shorts. And yesterday the high was 53 degrees with a cold rain.  Same grayness and rain today, but it did get above 60 degrees.  The perennial bachelor button plants all bloomed with the heat.

Bachelor Buttons

Here is a close up of the perennial bachelor buttons.


The clematis vine also blossomed this week in the warmth.  This clematis is called Samaritan Jo.

Clematis blossom

Purple Iris

A neighbor gave some of her iris plants two years ago.  This is the only one of the plants that has bloomed this year.