On To The New Year


Thanksgiving is gone.

Christmas has just passed by.

All the leaves are long gone off the trees, except for this one holdout tree in my yard.

The back garden is bare.

Most of the annuals and perennials in the side garden have disappeared except for the lavender front left, the fountain grass, and the spent blooms on the goldenrod in back.

The electrical box garden is through blooming until spring.  the scotch broom is in the back, the abelia bushes midway, and the Shasta daisies in front.  All of the milkweed plants have died back.

There is still hope lingering in the back garden.  A brunnera seedling plant is sheltered by the bricks and is still green.

A tulip bud has emerged in the back garden too.  After a cold November, we had some warm December days.

          Although winter is upon us, and it is sad to see the bare gardens, my thoughts turn now to the new garden year.  I just received the Burpee seed and plant catalog for 2015!  Happy New Year!