The Side Perennial Garden

Side Perennial Garden early spring


     This year has just flown by and here it is November, and I have not posted about what I call the side perennial garden.  I have included photos of this garden from spring through fall in this post.  This garden has been a problem for me.  There were so many plants I was going to pull and put in something new, but I never did that.  I just couldn't decide what replacements I wanted.  So I just left it to bloom although I am not happy with it.  And then a rabbit did a lot of damage to it in the spring, chewing on the perennials as they came up and killing the cosmos I planted from seed. This photo was taken March 9.

Here is a photo of the back of the garden taken on March 9.

A photo of the jonquils blooming taken on March 12

Front of garden June 1.

          In this photo there are two rose bushes, midnight salvia, black-eyed Susans and phlox David  behind the pink rose bush, and yellow loosestrife is in front of the lattice fence my husband put around the A/C unit.

This is a close-up of the yellow loosestrife  taken June 1.

Back of perennial garden June 1.

     In the back of the garden behind the A/C unit are bergenia plants along the front with  pink astilbe right behind them.  Behind the astilbe there are two rose bushes, phlox David and hardy begonia emerging, and back in the corner some ferns I took from the wooded flood plain next to the house and planted here.

Front of Garden August 7.

     In August the black-eyed Susan plants and phlox David are in full bloom, as well as yellow coneflowers.  I added some blanket flowers in the front, and you can see zinnias emerging in front of the black-eyed Susans.

Back of garden Augsust 7.

     In the back of the garden, the astilbes are done, the phlox in the top corner is blooming and the hardy begonia will be blooming soon.

Hardy begonias

     The hardy begonias are finally in bloom in the back of the perennial garden.  The phlox is still blooming but the ferns are dying off.  In the next post I will share some late fall blooms and what bloomed along the front of the house this summer.