Too Much Heat, Not Enough Rain


Our area in Virginia is in a drought watch, which means we should minimize nonessential water use. Several areas in Virginia are in a moderate drought because of so little rain and very hot temps in the 90's most days.  But summer plants are blooming. I have four of these heliopsis plants that I planted four years ago when we moved here.  They bloom reliably, and the deer don't touch them.


I planted four coreopsis plants last year in the garden near the stand of trees, but only two are blooming this year.  The deer did not bother them last year, but they nibbled on them this year.


This late blooming gladiolus was a surprise.  It seemingly appeared out of nowhere in July .  There are no gladiolus that I know of anywhere in or near our yard.

Eastern Red Cedar

 This Eastern Red Cedar was another surprise. It suddenly appeared under the stand of trees in June.  I suspect that all the rain we had in the spring helped everything bloom and grow, and this was just waiting for the right conditions.  There are two baby cedars that appeared behind it.