Winter Holiday

Joshua Tree


My family took a weeks vacation in January to Palm Springs. One of the sights we visited was Joshua Tree National Park.  We visit a national park almost every year. We had visited Joshua Tree National ten years ago. It seemed to me that there were a lesser amount of Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia) this time we visited.

Cholla Garden

 We saw the cholla garden in Joshua Tree National Park. Teddy Bear cholla (Opuntia bigelovii) also known as jumping cholla tend to grow in clustered formations.  They seem to jump at anything that brushes by as a way to propagate. They have barbed spines that make it hard to take them out of skin.

Rock Formation in Joshua Tree Nat Park

 There are many rock formations in the park that attract climbers.

Windmill Farm

We toured one of the several windmill farms in Palm Springs.  Winds come through the San Gorgonio Pass. There is enough wind energy to power almost the entire Coachella valley. There are over 3,000 wind turbines in Palm Springs, one of the largest in the United States.