Summer, Finally

White Astilbe


Summer has finally arrived here in northern Virginia. We finally broke out of the low 50's at night and  above 70 during the day. The almost daily rain and clouds seem to be gone. We have had three days of sunshine in a row now.  We have had very low humidity, 30 to 40 percent which is unusual for this area. The white Astilbe has just bloomed under the trees in the side yard among the pachysandra.  The pink Astilbe in the same area bloomed three weeks ago and has just finished.

Hairy Beardtongue

The hairy beardtongue (Penstemon Blackbeard) in the far backyard area has been blooming for a few weeks. I think it is showy, pretty and delicate.

St. John's Wort

There are several St. John's Wort bushes that line the far backyard.  This is a close up of the bright yellow flowers that can be seen out my kitchen window even though they are a half an acre away.

Red Hot Poker

I have three torch-like red hot poker plants (Kniphofia uvaria). This herbaceous perennial likes well-drained soil and full sun.  They are attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, but not to deer. Almost everything in my yard has to be deer resistant, as the yard is regularly traversed by deer.


There are salvia plants in the same garden as the red hot poker plants, and they have finally come into full bloom.

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