The Heat is On


 We finally got the heat the other parts of the country has had. I love hot sunny weather. 
It has been in the 90's many days in the last two weeks.  The hottest we recorded in our yard was 98.  But the good thing about all this hot weather is that we have had low humidity around 40 to 50% most days. It reminded me of Phoenix weather somewhat, although the humidity was usually much lower there. Here is a stand of red Yarrow in the far backyard. The deer won't touch it.

Red Hot Poker

My Red Hot Poker plants are blooming like crazy in the heat and sun.

Highbush Blueberries

The highbush blueberries are finally fruiting.  There are still some green ones near the center of the photo.  The two bushes were in the yard when we bought the house. They don't produce many berries and we let the animals eat them.

Eastern Bluebird

Speaking of blue, we have a pair of nesting bluebirds under the deck.  This male of the pair is sitting on the deck railing. This photo was taken out of my family room door.  Every time I tried to get closer to the window to get a better photo, he would fly away.   


I always buy a few annuals to complement the perennials in the yard. Here is a photo  of one of several cosmos plants I bought.


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