Fall Flora and Fauna


aster ericoides
     I've been so busy with family things (a couple of minor surgeries, buying a house), that I've missed blogging for a few weeks.  We won't be able to move into the new house until mid-to-end of January, but I hope I can get some photos of what is growing in the lovely yard in a future post.

     We have had our first frost/freeze in the surrounding area, but not in my immediate area.  I have observed the gradual march of fall into the area, starting with the acorns falling at the end of August, then the pine cones in September, now the leaves in October.  The trees are just about at peak color here.  I took some photos of what is happening in the woods on the flood plain in my neighborhood.  I have seen only two of the aster ericoides bushes at the edge of the woods.  This herbaceous perennial is soil and drought tolerant.  There are many bushes with berries at the edge of the woods.

     I am not sure what the above bush is with the yellow berries.  A type of bush honeysuckle?

bush honeysuckle
     This is a bush honeysuckle.  There are several species that grow in the area.  Some species, from Asia and western Europe, are considered invasive.

wild grapes
     The wild grapes continue to ripen throughout the fall.

box turtle
     This box turtle has been spotted a few times in the back yard.

white-tailed fawn
     I have seen lots of fawns come through the back yard.

two fawns and mother doe
     Most of the time the fawns roam the back yard woods with their mother.  There are two fawns in this photo, one in the very center.  Mom is at right.

grey tree frog
     I took this photo in August.  The frog is sitting on a branch of the Japanese laceleaf maple in the yard.

     There is at least one and possibly two chipmunks that live in the yard, but they have always managed to scurry away before I could photograph them.  Every now and then I see a fox trot through the back yard, but it is always to quick to photograph also.


  1. What a nice feeling from your images of flora and fauna.

    1. Thanks, Lee. I wanted to capture the flora and fauna before most is gone for the winter.

  2. Hooray for buying a house! I have aster ericoides, too. It's a super tough plant. At some point, I'd love to meet up. :o) Stay safe in the storm and I hope you don't lose power.


    1. Although the trees swayed ominously around the house, none fell. We lost power briefly twice. So glad we had heat and light last night. Yes, we'll have to meet up sometime.

  3. If you want some native pink obedient plant (phyotostegia) I have lots! It wants a moist sunny spot but will grow happily in bright afternoon shade. :o)

    1. Thanks for the offer of plants. I can't take any right now. I will have to determine where things will go in the new yard after we move in this winter.
