Time Flies!

Brunnera and grape hyacinths in the backyard garden.

     Where did spring go with its grape hyacinths, brunnera, and flowering dogwood trees?  It has been so busy in our household for the past six weeks, that I haven't had time to blog, much less appreciate what was happening in the garden.

     The flowers on so many plants and bushes have come and gone.  I would notice and quickly photograph each blooming, and then all would promptly be forgotten in the swirl of activity in the household. 

The Japanese iris blooms swiftly came and went.

As did the blossoms on the sweet woodruff.

And on the rhododendron bush.

          The following photos show what is blooming now in the yard.

Pink astilbe

Midnight salvia



Oriental fountain grass Karley Rose

          I've had some deer damage in the side yard garden on plants the deer did not touch last year and on seedlings that I planted a few weeks ago that had just pushed through the soil.  There are several other plants that are just about ready to bloom that will be in my next post. We had an unusually cool first week of June here, with one day not getting above 58 degrees.  We were tempted to turn the heat on one night when it was in the high 40's.  And this past week has been 90 or above almost every day.  It's fine with me if it stays hot from now on after the bitter and prolonged winter we had.


  1. It looks like your garden is off to a great start! I love that astilbe. :o)

  2. This is the second year for the astilbe, and they are much fuller and more colorful than last year.
