Hostas and Heucheras

Great Expectations Hosta

     The back garden is shade to part shade, and I have planted 11 hostas and heucheras there.  I have planted three of the Great Expectations hostas shown at right.  I planted them because they add brightness to a shady area.  They are supposedly slow growing but can become very large, which is fine with me because I have a lot of ground to cover in the back garden.  They can spread to three feet wide (some info says spread can be four feet) and height can reach three feet..  They have white flowers in June/July and they are just starting to flower now.

Fragrant Blue Hosta

     I have two of these Fragrant Blue hostas.  Some information says they are only barely fragrant.  Since I have never grown this hosta, I will find out.  Blue leaves are suppose to emerge all summer.  This hosta also has a large spread from three to four feet with a height of eighteen inches.  This hosta has white to lavender flowers in August to September.

Heuchera Caramel

     I planted three of these Heuchera Caramel.  This heuchera has lots of color.  The leaf color can range from bright gold to apricot, peachy orange to amber.  But there is also a lot of lime green to the leaves which I thought would add some brightness to the shade.  The underside of the leaves are purple/red.  This heuchera tolerates high heat and humidity and is evergreen in mild winter areas.  It grows up to eighteen inches tall and two feet wide.  It has white to light pink flowers June to July.

Heuchera Grape Soda

     I bought three of these heucheras because I was struck by the color.  In the spring when I bought them the leaves were rose pink, and they have now matured to silvery purple  They have light purple flowers that bloom April to August.  They grow eight to ten inches tall and eighteen to twenty inches wide.

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