Rain, Rain, Go Away

Spirea Japonica

 It has been rainy, cloudy and cool for two weeks now.  We have only seen the sun two days during that time.  Despite the weather, the spring flowering goes on.  There are several spirea bushes in the front and side yard that have just started blooming.

Wild Strawberry

Wild strawberries have appeared in the very back garden that lines our property.

Autumn Ferns

These are some of the Autumn ferns under the treed area in the back yard.  The lady ferns photo that was in a previous post are in front of these autumn ferns and have really filled out that area.

Highbush Blueberry

There are two highbush blueberry bushes in the back yard that were here when we bought the house. We never see the ripe blueberries because they are all eaten very quickly by any animals that come through the yard as soon as they appear.

Clematis Samaritan Jo

The clematis vine is so beautiful now that it is in full bloom.  It brightens up a corner of the house where there is only part sun because there are two maple trees to the left of it.  It helps hide our trash cans behind the trellis fencing.

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